The supply shortage of furnaces and repairs parts

The supply shortage of furnaces and repairs parts


Before we get started, 我的目的并不是要引起恐慌,也不是要夸大供应短缺. 我确实认为让人们了解情况是必要的,也是至关重要的. I also have a unique perspective that can help.

Quick back story

Fresh out of school, in my mid-20s, 我很幸运能在一家大型暖通十大网络彩票平台大全设备制造商工作.

I worked in quality engineering, 我的任务是找出在现场失败的组件, and working with our manufacturing line, engineering, and our suppliers to get the problem solved.

A couple of years into the job, 我们遇到了公司50年历史上最大的零部件问题. 我们在世界各地的设备失败率接近30%. (Typically, the rate was ½%).

由于我的职位,我参加了与公司最高管理层的会议. Of course, as someone in my early 20s, 我坐在房间的后面,希望他们不要叫我.



Additionally, 我们公司内部那些没有参加这些会议的人也不知道事情的严重性. It was very tight-lipped.


Current State of HVAC equipment and Parts

暖通十大网络彩票平台大全制造商正在经历设备短缺,这可能导致炉子无法使用, anywhere, in early 2022.

我认为这是一个灾难性的场景,因为熔炉是一个 required 让您能够在家中安全生存的电器.

Additionally, alternate heating sources such as space heaters, pellet stoves, fireplaces, 一旦短缺全面生效,是否会被推到可用性问题上. 毕竟,大盒子商店只有这么多空间加热器.

Made in the USA (well, sort of)

Even though our supplier of HVAC Equipment, Goodman (Owned by Daikin Group, the world’s largest HVAC Manufacturer), assembles their equipment in Texas, they don’t manufacture every single component of it.

All other HVAC manufacturers do this as well. 事实上,它们中的大多数使用来自同一供应商的相同组件. This is just like all car manufacturers.

古德曼确实制造了熔炉的金属板柜, the heat exchanger, coils, 以及其他“主要”金属部件.

但所有其他部件,如电子设备和电机,都是从供应商那里采购的, all over the world.



此时,暖通十大网络彩票平台大全制造商正面临着熔炉电路板和熔炉电机短缺的问题. 电路板用的芯片和汽车差不多,你也知道现在找辆车有多难.

Why can’t they just use different parts?

During the design phase of a furnace, 制造商必须对性能和安全性进行彻底的测试. 测试必须基于与设备一起设计的组件. Almost always, 在不进行新的测试的情况下,不可能切换电机并开始使用不同的版本进行构建. 这需要数百万美元和很长时间才能完成.

此外,AHRI还必须对每台炉、盘管、十大网络彩票平台大全等进行认证. using the data from the tests.

When can the country run out of furnaces?

美国1月份对炼钢炉的需求通常是一年中最高的. 当然,这将给可用性带来额外的压力.

Goodman is the world’s largest furnace manufacturer, and we are one of the largest dealers in the area.

我担心的是,如果最大的制造商和最大的经销商没有炉子, we won’t be able to source from anywhere else.

Price Increases – Again

Since the beginning of the pandemic, 古德曼在为我们优先安排设备方面做得很好,这样我们就能满足客户的需求.


But for them, 拒绝销售对企业不利,并导致去年许多价格上涨.

I anticipate more price increases in 2022 as well. Most likely from 8-15%.


我们正在努力订购大量的炉子,以便能够在我们的仓库中保持库存,以照顾我们的客户. 我们的目标是购买足够的库存以维持冬季.


Whatever it takes.


如果你的炉子快要坏了,不要等到它坏了才采取行动. 尽快十大网络彩票平台大全并确保更换设备.


In addition, if your furnace breaks, 同样的供应链问题导致了熔炉短缺,也导致了获得维修零件的延误.


Next steps

对于过去收到我们报价的客户, Call or contact us to reserve your furnace today.

对于那些可能关心炉子状况或可靠性的客户, 我们可以停下来免费检查,并提供更换价格.

Of course, there is no obligation to purchase. As always, it’s always your choice.

And to make it easy, we also have great, 低月供融资选择,我们的许多客户利用.